"Because buying a car should be just as enjoyable as driving one!"
In addition to helping you get the very best price for your new car, we also offer several services to ensure that your car is properly maintain throughout the life of your lease or purchase. Our affordable and reliable protection plans cover all of your car's basic needs and ensure that you are fully protected in the event of damage to your new vehicle. Our services include:

Dent & Ding Coverage
Provides repair for dents and dings up to a 4” diameter and up to a 3” depth by using the Paintless Dent Repair process.
•Catastrophic Hail & Acorn Damage pays up to $500 or the amount of the comprehensive insurance company’s deductible – whichever is less – in the event that the hailor acorn damage can be repaired using the paintless dent

Key/Remote Replacement
Provides coverage for key/remote replacement if keys/remotes are lost, stolen or broken up to $800/year
•Other Lost/Damaged Key benefit for lost or damaged home or apartment keys, office keys, motorcycle, valet keys, motor home or travel trailer keys up to $250 per occurrence
• Home lockout assistance provided to unlock home or apartment up to $100 per occurrence
• Rental benefit
• Towing benefit
• Trip Interruption benefit item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Tire & Wheel Road Hazard Protection (Tire & Wheel Repair )
Provides coverage for damages that have occurred due to a road hazard.
• Flat tire repair
• Wheel/Rim repair
• Coverage available for dealer aftermarket wheels and OEM
chrome wheels
• Benefit includes coverage for mounting & balancing charges

Tire & Wheel Road Hazard Protection (Tire & Wheel Repair or Replace)
Provides coverage for damages that have occurred due to a
road hazard.
• Flat tire repair or replacement
• Wheel/Rim repair or replacement
• Curb Impact repair or replacement
• Cosmetic wheel repair
• Operational or structural tire & wheel damage
• Rental benefit
• Towing benefit
• Trip Interruption benefit
• Coverage available for dealer aftermarket wheels and
OEM chrome wheels. (Coverage for chrome wheels is limited
to repair only.)
• Benefit includes coverage for mounting & balancing charges

Interior Damage Benefits
Provides coverage for physical damage to the vehicle’s interior.
• Provides coverage for interior plastic damage
(cracks & gouges in the dash & armrests up to 4”)
• Provides coverage for damage to cloth, leather or vinyl
damaged by cigarette burns up to ½” diameter
• Provides coverage for upholstery rips & tears up to
3” in length and ¼” diameter

Windshield Protection Service
Provides coverage for minor chips and cracks up to 6” caused by propelled rocks or road debris. This benefit is intended to
prevent further damage & restore the integrity of the windshield.

Roadside Assistance
Emergency Battery Service (tightening or cleaning of cables,
battery boost/jump & minor alternator adjustments)
• Flat Tire Assistance (changing a flat tire with your inflated spare)
• Emergency Road Service (vehicle extrication & services to
get your vehicle running)
• Lockout Services (locksmith service to gain entry to the
passenger compartment of your vehicle)
• Fuel & Fluid Delivery (fuel, oil, fluid & water delivery –
excluding the cost of fluids)